
澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 Named to CRN’s 2024 Managed Service Provider 500 List

(新奥尔良, 2024年4月2日) -澳门网赌大全网址科技公司, 管理IT服务的领先供应商, 宣布CRN®, Channel公司旗下品牌, has named the company to its Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Pioneer 250 category for 2024. This marks the 11th consecutive year BTC has been selected for this prestigious list. The MSP 500 list annually honors managed IT service providers who have demonstrated their ability to successfully deliver IT solutions that empower clients to improve their operations and fuel overall growth. Bellwether has built a business model focused on providing comprehensive managed […]




(新奥尔良, 洛杉矶- 3月18日, 2024) 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 is on the 2024 Tech Elite 250 list published by CRN, Channel公司旗下品牌. 这份年度榜单突出了美国各地的解决方案提供商.S. 加拿大在提供尖端IT解决方案方面表现出色, standing out for their top-tier certifications and specializations from leading technology vendors in infrastructure, 云, 安全域. 在澳门网赌大全网址, the earning of company and individual certifications represents the team’s depth of knowledge, skill and commitment to staying up to date with the latest technology advancements. 虽然这些认证是对我们[…]



Poco Sloss, Steven Ellis, 梅里克斯洛斯已经分居

(新奥尔良, LA – 2023年11月30日) 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 has announced changes in its leadership team. 而这一转变也给这三个人带来了新的头衔, it reflects a natural progression in roles and responsibilities that have been evolving for some time. Bellwether’s co-founder, Poco Sloss, has transitioned from CEO to Chairman of the Board. 以这种身份, Poco继续为公司的总体目标提供指导, 长期愿景, 以及重大决策. 该公司前总裁史蒂文•埃利斯(Steven Ellis)现任首席执行官. In this role Steven continues to lead and manage Bellwether’s executive team, as well as drive […]



澳门网赌大全网址科技公司是2019 - 2023年新奥尔良最佳工作场所

(2023年6月26日年,新奥尔良, 洛杉矶——这已经是连续第五年了, 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司, 管理IT服务公司, 被评为新奥尔良最佳工作场所. Credit for this honor goes to Bellwether employees who provided their feedback about their work experience through a confidential survey. The survey collects employee feelings about company culture and engagement and compares them with benchmarks that have emerged from a data base that includes more than 27 million surveys from over 70,在16年的时间里,我帮助了1000个组织. “最终,是我们的员工负责[…]



The former rectory building attached to Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Uptown New Orleans might seem like an unlikely location for a company that’s all about technology. The striking contrast between local history and cutting-edge technology was intentional as we made the historic building our corporate home in April of this year. The building had been vacant since Hurricane Katrina blew through in 2005 but it had good structure and it was interesting. 当我们在为我们的新办公室寻找最佳地点时, being interesting and different from traditional workspaces was important because we didn’t merely want […]



(2月24日, 2023年,新奥尔良, LA) The CRN Top MSP 500 List has been published and 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 has a place in the Pioneer 250 category. This is the 10th consecutive year that Bellwether has been recognized as a leading managed service provider (MSP) by this IT industry organization. 在这个目录上, companies must be leaders in the delivery of managed IT services to the SMB market. These are companies that are driving a new wave of growth and innovation through a forward-thinking approach to managed services, 帮助终端用户提高效率,最大化客户回报[…]


澳门网赌大全网址科技公司’s Security Operations Manager Earns CISSP Credential

澳门网赌大全网址科技公司’s Security Operations Manager Earns CISSP Credential

(2022年12月5日年-新奥尔良, 科里·克罗斯曼, 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司安全运营中心经理, 现为注册资讯系统保安专家(CISSP). Earning this certification not only validates Corey’s depth of knowledge about cybersecurity tactics but demonstrates his ability to lead a team in the creation and implementation of an effective cybersecurity strategy. The criteria to become a CISSP includes a successful score on the rigorous certification exam, 有澳门赌场网址大全领域工作经验者优先, and a personal pledge to follow the code of ethics established by the certification body (ISC)2. “虽然我一直在[…]




我们的员工有什么技术问题? 他们得到他们需要的帮助了吗? 我们的IT路线图接下来会有什么呢? These are all examples of questions that the main contacts at each of our client companies can quickly answer inside of our online communications portal. 个人用户也可以获得与他们相关的信息, whether it’s the status of a support request or a new training program that’s been assigned to them by their manager. 门户甚至可以提高客户机操作的效率. For example, when it’s time to onboard new employees, requests for the hardware […]


澳门网赌大全网址科技公司获得SOC 2 Type 2认证

SOC 2 2类认证

(2022年9月30日年-新奥尔良, LA) – 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 has successfully completed its SOC 2 Type 2 audit and received attestation that the processes they use to handle sensitive information meets high standards for security. The Security and Organization Controls (SOC) framework is the basis for trust principles established by the American Institute of Certified Accountants. Use of this framework extends beyond the accounting industry to any company that wants to demonstrate to customers that they have the correct tools, processes and infrastructure in place to protect the data that they gather and store. 第2级表示[…]




(6月26日, 2022年-新奥尔良, 洛杉矶)-管理IT服务公司, 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司, 连续第四年入选2022年新奥尔良最佳工作场所榜单. Placement on the list is based on employee responses to survey questions about their work environment and how their employer treats them. The Top Workplaces list is limited to 70 New Orleans companies and is published by The Times-Picayune and The New Orleans Advocate. 您可以在http://topworkplaces上查看该列表.该调查由Energage LLC协助进行, 第三方技术合作伙伴. 澳门网赌大全网址的加入反映了该公司的[…]

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